The_Saints.jpg The Flying Horses at City Parkالصور المصغرةTipitina'sThe Flying Horses at City Parkالصور المصغرةTipitina'sThe Flying Horses at City Parkالصور المصغرةTipitina'sThe Flying Horses at City Parkالصور المصغرةTipitina's
A young Louie Armstrong subs for Gabriel, playing a colorful rendition of "The Saints Go Marching In." From my "Music Set to Paint" series, it reflects a match-up of the seven notes of the musical scale, C to B, to the seven colors of the visible spectrum and rainbow, violet to magenta.
تاريخ الصورة
السبت 31 أغسطس 2019
الكلمات الدلائلية
48x36, abstract, blue, canvas, gallery wrap, green, magenta, music, oil, orange, red, yellow
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