Here are some watercolors and acrylics I have done over the years.
Hot Stuff!
Hot Stuff!

1612 skatījumi

A Real Snow Bunny
A Real Snow Bunny

2651 skatījumi


3596 skatījumi

Neighbors on the Lake
Neighbors on the Lake

3818 skatījumi

Never Out! (SOLD)
Never Out! (SOLD)

2690 skatījumi

New England Lighthouse
New England Lighthouse

2475 skatījumi

Shattered Dreams
Shattered Dreams

2395 skatījumi

Stormy Seas
Stormy Seas

3687 skatījumi

Style vs Comfort
Style vs Comfort

2581 skatījumi

The Derelict
The Derelict

4229 skatījumi

Wait for Me (SOLD)
Wait for Me (SOLD)

3706 skatījumi

White Orchids (SOLD)
White Orchids (SOLD)

3303 skatījumi

Windswept Tree
Windswept Tree

3323 skatījumi

Yellow Irises
Yellow Irises

2604 skatījumi